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Giving Back with Purpose

When the WilmyWoodie became a reality for us we knew that we wanted to be able to give back. Hurricane Florence was our first eye opening experience where we realized how we could use our business to help others. During the weeks after the hurricane, we partnered with World Central Kitchen and delivered food to people in need. To see how our community came together to during such a hard time was absolutely amazing.


After Florence, we found out that a family friend was battling cancer. To help, we held a benefit in New Bern, North Carolina where we had our busiest event to date and were able to make a financial contribution. The outpouring of love and support for such a great guy will never be forgotten. Since then we have participated in multiple fundraisers with local schools to help raise money as well as another benefit for our oldest son’s schoolmate who was battling cancer. 


Our goal is and will continue to be to help others in need. In 2019 we partnered with the Good Shepherd Center for the start of a new campaign, “Apparel for a Purpose.” We gave all the proceeds from every apparel sale between July 1st and December 13th 2019 back in the form of a Christmas gift. We were honored to be able to raise almost $2,000 with the help of so many friends, family and other local businesses. 


In January of 2020 we are asked to participate in a fundraising event to benefit GLOW Academy alongside some of Wilmington's finest chefs and other food trucks. Seeing the student representatives get to show off their culinary skills as well as the Wilmington community come together was an amazing experience we will never forget. 


In December of 2021 we put on another fundraiser with our friends at Hi-wire Brewing to benefit the Good Shepherd Center. We donated 100% of our proceeds from our sales and purchased over $1,400 worth of toys for kids in the local area.


2022 was another great year for the Wilmywoodie and we made sure to pay it forward to our community by putting on another toy drive to benefit the Good Shepherd Center. With the help of our community we collected and donated over $1,500 in toys and gifts for families right here in the Wilmington area.


We are so excited for all the 2023 has to bring!    

You can purchase your WilmyWoodie gear off the truck at any one of our events.


Thank you all for your love and support!


Kevin & Erin Langston


*Photo Credits - Matt Ray Photoraphy

© Copyright WilmyWoodie inc.

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